Thursday 31 July 2014

Meet Justine Pearson: Birth Coach and Newest addition to our team!

In 1999 while doing my BA in Psychology I discovered my love for all things pregnancy, breastfeeding, and postpartum. This is when I first got certified as a Birth Doula and sat in the board of the Doula Services Association of BC. I have been serving families over the past 15 years in many capacities and continue to know this is my true calling. I have attended births from baby number one, two, and three for the same mom, twin vaginal births, primary support person to single mom in a cesarean birth, to the bush in Africa where we had no electricity and I was able to catch the baby of a beautiful young woman in a rural medical clinic wearing only a headlamp ;)

When I was 14 years old I had back surgery for scoliosis and have had an intimate relationship with pain ever since. This combined with my Psychology Degree and my Birthing From Within® training allows me to know the deep emotional impact labour, birth, breastfeeding, and the immediate postpartum can have on a family.

I currently serve families in the Fraser Valley through prenatal classes at New Leaf Massage and Wellness, where I challenge couples to go beyond the physical preparation for childbirth and embark on an emotional and even spiritual journey of awareness. I help women find what is important to them and to have the voice to share this with their support team.

I currently only attend a few births a year yet I am passionate about being available for mothers who are experiencing breastfeeding issues to help establish pain free feeding, as well as sleep training and other tips to ease into motherhood. Whether it is your first, second, or third baby I know I can be of assistance.

With my background in coaching I have learned how to set goals and achieve them. I love to serve as a Postpartum Doula in 3-6 hour in home shifts assisting women and their families to become established in many of the mundane activities that it takes to raise a baby. It is my joy to be able to work myself out of a job as I see families beginning to be equipped in the unique skills it takes to raise a family well and have harmony in the home.

For quick tips and daily encouragement you can visit www.facebook/ or call to register for classes or set up your personal in home support 778-246-CARE

"Serving Birthing Families for Over 15 Years"

Friday 25 April 2014

The Graston Technique

The Graston Technique: Therapy with the use of tools

An effective therapy option offered by Dr. Rav Nagra:

The Graston Technique incorporates a patented form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables Dr. Nagra to effectively detect and treat scar tissue and restrictions that affect normal function.

Most athletes and long distance runners eventually suffer from injuries, aches and pains. Injuries to soft tissues like muscles, ligaments and tendons, play a significant role in pain and dysfunction if left untreated. While it may not sound like a serious injury, a simple muscle strain or torn ligament can cause excruciating pain and difficulty with movement.

When an injury within the soft tissue occurs, the tissue repairs itself in a haphazard pattern, forming scar tissue. While the scar tissue itself is not painful, it does tend to limit range of motion, and the ongoing stiffness may contribute to back pain or neck pain on an ongoing basis.
Dr. Nagra uses the stainless steel instruments to comb over and "catch" on fibrotic tissue, which immediately identifies the areas of restriction. Once the tissue has been identified, the instruments are used to break up the scar tissue so it can be absorbed by the body.

The Graston Technique is used to treat injuries in a variety of ways: 

  • Separates and breaks down collagen cross-links, and stretches connective tissue and muscle fibers
  • Increases skin temperature
  • Facilitates reflex changes in the chronic muscle holding pattern (relaxes tight muscles)
  • Alters spinal reflex activity (facilitated segment)
  • Increases the rate and amount of blood flow to and from the area
  • Increases cellular activity in the region, including fibroblasts and mast cells (decreases healing time)
  • Increases histamine response secondary to mast cell activity

The Inside Scoop on Stretching

Dynamic vs Static

It is important to “prime” your muscles prior to beginning an activity. Dynamic stretching is the best way to begin a workout – it uses controlled movements to improve range of motion, loosen up muscles, increases heart rate, body temperature, and blood flow. 
Static stretching (holding a muscle in a lengthened position for 30 sec or more) should be done after your workout.
  If done prior, could lead to injury and hurt your performance.

Dynamic Routine – Runner specific

When doing your dynamic routine, start out slowly.  Focus on your form.  When it starts to get a bit easier, pick up your speed.  Start with smaller movements and slowly increase your range of motion.

       Leg Lifts
Swing one leg out to the side, then swing it back across your body in front of your other leg.  Repeat 10 times on each side.  If you feel unsteady, hold onto a steady object.

While standing tall, walk forward with an exaggerated backswing so that your heels come up to your glutes.  When this is easy, try it while jogging.  DO 10 reps on each side.

       Pike stretch
Get in a “pike” position (hips in the air). Put your right foot behind your left ankle.  With your legs straight, press the heel of the left foot down.  Release.  Repeat 10 times on each side.

Lift your leg up, bending the knee so it points out.  Try to tap the inside of your left foot with your right hand without bending forward.  Repeat 10 times on each side.

       Toy soldier
Keeping your back and knees straight, walk forward, lifting your legs straight out in front and flexing your toes.  Advance this by adding a skipping motion.  Do 10 reps on each side

       Walking lunges
Step forward using a long stride, keeping the front knee over or just behind your toes.  Lower your body by dropping your back knee toward the ground.  Maintain an upright posture and keep your abdominal muscles tight

Static stretching – muscles to focus on:
Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Iliotibial band, Glutes, Hip Flexors/Hip Hikers, Piriformis and Low Back, Calf Muscles (gastrocs and soleus)

Hold your stretches for at least 30 sec.  Do not “bounce” a stretch.  Always finish your workout with static stretches while your muscles are still warm!

A complete stretching routine should take at least 5 minutes.

Allergies: A Natural Approach

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? Do anti-histamines cause you to feel drowsy? Are you looking for a natural alternative? Great! There are natural ways to treat seasonal allergies without the side effects that come with allergy medication. For many, this time of year can be unbearable as allergens spring up all around us. Symptoms of runny nose, sniffling, sneezing, low energy, itchy eyes, and headaches run rampant but don’t panic, there is hope! 

I recommend patients start a homeopathic and anti-oxidant program each year before or at the start of the allergy season. The homeopathics used in this allergy prevention program are easy to take, free from side effects, and safe for the whole family. Supplements and herbs can also be beneficial for seasonal allergies – such as are vitamin C with bioflavonoids, N-acetyl cysteine, essential fatty acids, Petasites hybridus and Urtica dioica. Another important factor in the treatment of seasonal allergies is to identify food sensitivities. Our diet tends to follow the seasons, so there may be certain foods you are eating more of in the spring that are aggravating your symptoms. Preliminary studies suggest that people with grass pollen allergies may also react to tomatoes, peanuts, wheat, apple, carrot, celery, peach, melon, eggs and pork. In addition, people with ragweed allergies may react to foods in the Cucurbitaceae family, such as cucumber and melon.

A simple blood test can be performed at New Leaf Massage and Wellness to isolate foods that may be aggravating your seasonal allergy symptoms. If a natural approach is what you are looking for, then book your appointment today with Dr. Nicole Cerf BSc, ND.  

Dr. Cerf's hours: 
Tuesday & Thursday 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Friday 21 March 2014

Please Welcome our Newest Team Member! Haley Perechy, RMT

Haley received her education from West Coast College of Massage Therapy and graduated in 2010. For the past four years in practice she has been not only providing attentive care for her patients, but forming important professional relationships so that her patients can feel as comfortable as possible. An essential part of treatment is trust and communication between patient and therapist and she prides herself in communicating with clients so that they can receive the bet care possible.

Community is also a big part of not only her career, but her life. Haley volunteers and fund raises for Habitat For Humanity and various other charitable organizations. She hopes that she can continue serving the community by alleviating pain and promoting function in every patient.

Haley is trained to treat a wide variety of symptoms, the list is not limited:

  • fascial tissue 
  • fibromyalgia
  • carpel tunnel
  • pre/post natal therapy
  • stress relief
  • injury claims (ICBC/WCB)
  • sports injuries
  • infant and children massage
Types of therapy that Haley combines into her treatments: 

  • trigger point release
  • relaxation-Swedish
  • full body
  • deep tissue
  • active release
Haley recommends, bringing a sports bra and or tank top, along with a pair of gym shorts or stretch pants, as she prefers to incorporate a lot of active therapy into her treatments. 

Haley is available to book appointments at New Leaf Tuesday - Saturday. She is now accepting new patients!  She is able to bill directly with WCB, ICBC, RCMP, MSP, and DVA. Please see reception for insurance eligibility. Call now 604-850-2511

Picture to come soon!

Tuesday 28 January 2014


WELCOME OUR NEWEST TEAM MEMBER, Dr. Nicole Cerf, Naturopath!

Dr. Nicole Cerf received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of the Fraser Valley and went on to graduate as a Naturopathic Doctor from the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Cerf is a strong believer in science-based holistic health care and uses cutting edge laboratory testing to aid in the diagnosis of a patient's condition. Dr. Cerf enjoys educating patients about their health and empowering them to achieve their health goals, thus making visits both informative and fun!
Dr. Cerf is a member of the British Columbia Naturopathic Association, Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors and is in good standing with the College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia. Dr.Cerf has received further training in acupuncture, bio-identical hormone therapy, chelation therapy and is licensed to prescribe pharmaceutical drugs.
Dr. Cerf treats a variety of health concerns including:
-Allergies/Sensitivities                      -Hormonal Imbalances
-Autism/ASD, ADHD, PDD                   -Insomnia
-Auto-immune Disorders                    -Migraines
-Children's Health                             -Mood Disorders
-Colds/Flus                                      -Musculoskeletal Injuries
-Detoxification                                 -Skin Conditions
-Digestive Complaints                        -Thyroid Conditions
-Fatigue                                          -Weight Management
-Fertility                                         -Women's Health

Dr. Cerf's schedule at New Leaf Massage & Wellness is still TBD.  Prices will be announced when her schedule becomes available.  Dr. Cerf plans to join us at our new location in March 2014!

Monday 9 December 2013


We are expanding!! 

We have taken all of your input into special consideration, and have found a new location to better suit all our needs!

The staff at New Leaf Wellness would like to thank you for trusting us with your health and wellness needs.  It is because of you that we have exceeded our professional goals!  

Here are a few great changes that our new location will offer: 

  • Better parking, including underground stalls
  • Increased noise prevention, creating a softer, more relaxing environment for your treatment
  • With the additional space we plan on developing a gym area to practice exercises and stretches
  • Additional therapists and appointment availability
  • Central location-great for patients from both East and West Abbotsford, approximately 5-10 minutes from Abbotsford Regional Hospital 
  • Wheel chair accessible
  • Additional washroom(s)

We are planning a smooth transition to the new location March 2014.  We will have a grand opening March 3, 2014!

Our new location: 

UNIT B - 2309 McCallum Road Abbotsford, BC

The Trethewey Square location will be closed on Friday, February 28th, 2014 to allow for us to move all of our equipment.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate us directly! We look forward to the new and exciting opportunities before us!

Again, thank YOU for your continued support!

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Annual Food Drive

New Leaf Annual Food Drive

This year we are experiencing a very cold winter season! So not only would we like to collect food for the Abbotsford Food Bank and Christmas Bureau, we would like to collect warm outerwear and blankets for the local shelters. 

Please help feed those in poverty, desperation, and in serious need of help. 

'Tis the season to spread joy and care for those in need.  Not all families are able to provide food, shelter and clothing to their loved ones.  This is the least we can do to help our local community become stronger. 

Make the most of your giving this Christmas.

There are many ways to give joy to those in need. If you are unable to come in and drop off a donation, you may also phone, mail or donate money online directly to the Abbotsford Food Bank:

Phone: 604-859-5749 or 604-859-7681
Mail: 33914 Essendene Ave Abbotsford, BC V2S 2H8

Monday 25 November 2013

Maximize Your Health Insurance

We want our clients to get the best of their extended health benefits, be it only $250 of coverage to unlimited.  
That being said, I would like to focus on the best ways to use your coverage.


The common trend is to hoard all of the benefit amounts until the last 2-3 months of the calendar year, and then binge on appointments to take advantage of the coverage. Not only does this burden the schedule of appointments required for injured workers, and new ICBC claim patients, but it also requires the practitioners to throw themselves into overdrive.  Therapists extend their hours to accommodate the large influx in new and returning patients, all wanting to reap the benefits of their insurance coverage. .

Saving all of your benefits for the end of the year to cluster your appointments may feel nice, but you're not necessarily making the best choice for your body or your therapist.  The best choice is to spread out your coverage over the entire year.  Your body will respond positively to treatment when spread out evenly over the year, rather than sporadically increasing therapy full tilt over two months, stopping as soon as the new year begins. Following this rapid increase and decrease in therapy each year is quite detrimental to a treatment plan.

Your body needs balance.  Equally dividing your expenses and finding a treatment plan to match your coverage individually is the best way to maximize your benefits.  It is important to take care of your body all
year long, not just during the last quarter.  

There are also negative affects on one's physical status if treatment is suddenly decreased, or stopped altogether.  The body may relapse, and fall back into a negative state of imbalance. Posture may become poor, pain may increase, symptoms may return.  This cycle is not balanced, and when one returns to treatment, the therapy has to start from the beginning again to get back on track. 

Creating a balanced plan will be profitable both financially and physically.  When one has a well balanced treatment plan, there is less risk for injury, treatment relapse, and an increase in total well being.  Our mission at New Leaf Massage is to help you maintain whole body wellness and balance in mind, body and soul. 

Here at the clinic, we understand that aches and pains may get the best of us, and we rely on the clustered treatment to feel the most improvement.  But there is a difference in feeling the improvement, than sustaining improvement. Our job is to help you reach your wellness goals and maintain them.  We are here to help you get back on track, and to help you keep your plan active and balanced.

One of the best things I decided to do this year was divide up my coverage between 3 therapies.  I will see the chiropractor once a month, my massage therapist once ever 7 weeks, and acupuncture every 7 weeks, and NIS as needed. This allows me to have therapy on a regular basis without bombarding my body or the schedule at the year end. My well balanced plan has allowed me to recover from a recent  injury much quicker than anticipated. 

I have never felt better!  My aches and pains have subsided, and my body feels more balanced than ever!  I no longer stress about how I'm going to use all my coverage and fight for desirable appointments times during November and December.  My body is benefiting more now, because I have stretched my coverage over the year, rather then squeezign it all into two months.  I have maximized my extended health to get the most out of my coverage. It is also important to not use every last bit of the coverage, save a couple 'extra' for those desperate times, or for unplanned illness, injuries and emergencies

Our team of professionals are here to help you organize a treatment plan to fit your unique needs as well as help you to get the most our of your extended health benefits. 

Please do not hesitate to ask your therapist for assistance with developing a treatment plan to fit your lifestyle.  We want you to turn over a new leaf, and live life well!  In order to achieve this, balance is required.

Maximize your benefits, and see how well you will feel year round!

If you have any questions or want advice, you can contact me at reception on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays or by email at

Yours in health,

Kerissa Moore
Front Office Manager,

Monday 18 November 2013


Exciting things are happening at New Leaf these days!!

First off, we'd like to start with introducing our newest member to join our wellness team!


Growing up in an active lifestyle, Tara initially became aware of the benefits of massage therapy after sustaining injuries to her shoulder and leg in an accident.  She was so impressed by the benefits of massage therapy to her healing process that she decided to enroll at WCCMT.  There she discovered an inner passion to help others reach their own optimal health.

Tara understands the importance of building trust between therapist and client, and is committed to treating the root cause of symptoms as a primary goal, besides relieving discomfort.  She uses Myofacial Release (MFR) to help increase joint movement and improve posture alignment, as well as incorporating Active Release, Trigger Point Release and Swedish Massage into her treatments.

Tara has volunteered at sports events such as the Knee Knacker, and the GranFondo.  She is an outdoor enthusiast, and in her free time enjoys playing music, knitting, hiking, sailing and biking.

Tara's techniques include:

  • deep tissue
  • swedish
  • trigger point release
  • myofacial
  • muscle energy technique
  • active release

We are currently booking new patients with Tara as of TODAY!

Call now to book your appointment.  Her hours vary, but are as follows: 

Monday 2pm-6pm
Wednesday 10am-6pm
Thursday 2pm-6pm
Friday 2pm-6pm

Secondly, I'd like to ask you to keep posted....we have many new changes that will be announced soon!

Yours in health, 
Kerissa Moore
Front Office Manager & Receptionist