Friday 13 July 2012

Stretching 101

Why do massage therapists advise you to stretch?

Stretching your muscles will help your body have increased muscle control, flexibility, and range of motion.  A common reason for stretching is to reduce the risk of injury, and to increase performance. Stretching after a workout is important to help release the lactic acid build up from your muscles. Lactic acid is the 'toxin' that causes stiff and achey muscles, and/or soreness. When you stretch, it helps to release the 'toxins' and help you to feel better.  Epsom salt bath used along with proper stretching, can significantly decrease stiff and sore muscles post-work out.

"Stretching can be dangerous when performed incorrectly. There are many techniques for stretching in general, but depending on which muscle group is being stretched, some techniques may be ineffective or detrimental, even to the point of causing permanent damage to the tendons, ligaments, and muscle fiber." - Wikipedia

It is important to remember to stretch slowly and properly, while your muscles are warmed up. Static stretching is not recommended prior to a workout, as cold muscle groups can be shocked or injured if stretched too quickly or too far. Warm your muscles up by any light-aerobic exercise, for example do jumping jacks or go for a brisk walk, prior to any stretching routine. This will not only warm up your muscle groups by activating them, it will release those happy feel good hormones, endorphins! A 5-10 minute warm up and stretching routine every morning will have numerous health benefits ranging from stress relief and lower blood pressure to  mood and metabolism boosters!

When stretching you should keep these things in mind:

  • Stop if it hurts! Stretching should NEVER hurt. You do not want to overstretch your muscles, or injure yourself.
  • Practice Equality. Our bodies are developed symmetrically, it is important that if you stretch one side, you should also stretch the other.
  • Hold your stretches for 15-30 seconds. Your muscles need to stretch slowly, to sufficiently lengthen, and reap the benefit of the stretch. Remember not to force it!
  • Breathe! Remember to breathe while you are stretching, as this will increase the oxygen in your blood flow.

In the event of an injury, or weakened muscle(s), it is important to do proper strengthening exercises and stretching routines to help your muscles heal efficiently and quickly. Always speak to a doctor or health care professional if you have an injury and would like to begin strengthening or stretching it. They will instruct you with proper routines and discuss a plan specific to your body's needs.

Check out this link to learn more about different types of stretching:

A massage therapist works with your treatment plan and will instruct you to do exercises and or stretching routines to help you back to your optimal health. It is important to follow instructions thoroughly so that you can reap the benefits of your massage.  Do no be afraid to ask your therapist for any additional techniques that you could do to maintain strong and healthy muscles in between appointments. A proper routine can keep your muscles strengthened, increase your range of motion, and reduce the risk of injury, making you a happier, healthier you.