Tuesday 26 June 2012

Cooling Summer Epsom Salt Bath

Cooling Summer Epsom Salt Bath

By Melissa Breyer

Epsom salt baths are the best. They make your skin soft as silk, and have an amazing array of health benefits. My favorite perks from soaking in Epsom salt include detoxification, stress reduction, and muscle pain relief–and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Seriously, if there ever was truly a miracle cure, I do believe Epsom salt might be involved.
So I like Epsom salt baths and since I’ve been taking them regularly I feel great. But do I like taking a bath in 95F degree weather? Eh. So I’ve concocted a cooling Epsom salt bath that is the perfect antidote to a steamy, stressy summer day. It’s a bath that incorporates cucumber, fresh mint, and a hint of floral essential oil. Mmmmm.
Cucumbers are a great treat for the skin. They have the same pH as the skin so they help restore the protective acid mantle–they also possess hydrating, nourishing and astringent properties.
I like to throw in a handful of fresh peppermint because it’s growing like bonkers in the garden and I know it’s cooling. What I didn’t know was that, according to University of Maryland Medical Center, peppermint has has a soothing and cooling effect on skin irritations caused by hives, poison ivy, or poison oak; it reduces headache symptoms; and it can be used in the treatment of depression. (So if you’re hot, itchy, depressed and have a headache …)
For some extra summery flower flavor, try a few drops of ylang ylang pure essential oil in the mix.
Here’s the how-to:
To a tub of tepid water add 2 cups Epsom salt, stir in 1 sliced cucumber, a handful of torn peppermint leaves, and 3 drops ylang ylang pure essential oil. Step in, relax, and await small miracles.

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