Saturday 23 March 2013

Benefits of massage therapy in combination with chiropractic care...

Rav Says.....

The combination of massage therapy and chiropractic care does wonders for speeding patient recovery and general health.

The musculoskeletal system is highly interrelated. Often times problems with joints in the body can have negative effects in many different areas. 

 For example, chronic muscle tightness often occurs due to an underlying joint pathology. When any joint in the body is not moving through its normal range of motion, the tissues can become irritated and cause pain. 
The muscles overlying these joints will reflexively spasm as a result. 

 Massage therapy does wonders to help relieve the spasm and tightness in these muscles, however if the underlying joint issues are not addressed the muscle tightness will often return. 

 Chiropractic care will aid in restoring normal functioning to all the joints in the body, not just the spine. This is why the combination of massage and chiropractic treatment is so effective. Massage therapy allows the muscles to relax enough for effective manipulation of the underlying joints, and in return the effect on the joints helps reduce the return of chronic tightness and muscle spasm.

If you would like to book in to see our chiropractor directly after your massage therapy appointment please contact one of our receptionist who would be happy to assist you!

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