Tuesday 27 August 2013

Definition of the Week: Range of Motion (ROM)

Why do we require initial appointments to be booked longer than subsequent appointments?

For massage therapy, our office policy requires an initial treatment to be booked for 45 minutes.  The following must be done by your RMT in your initial assessment:

  1. Obtain knowledge about your health history. 
  2. Assess any health risks contraindications.
  3. Assess and understand all of your past and current symptoms.
  4. Assess your range of motion.
  5. Your RMT will then decide if massage therapy is right for you.

What does it mean when your practitioner asks to check your range of motion (ROM)?

You therapists will assess the area associated with your symptoms.  Range of Motion will measure the flexion, extension, abduction, and rotation to compare to the average normal range.

For example, the most common complaint would be upper back, neck and shoulder pain.  The RMT will assess the degree of rotation (left and right lateral flexion) and extension, recording notes on the patient's file.  The ROM will be a degree achievable until restriction or pain occurs.  The human anatomy allows for the neck to reach a maximum degree without restriction and pain.  If the pain or restriction occurs before normal ROM, it would be noted and the therapist will treat the area to help increase and then maintain normal ROM.

The chiropractor would follow the same procedure, assessing even more in depth and the relation to the joints, bones and/or spine. A great example for chiropractic care would include a patient that is having trouble bending over.  The normal range of motion would allow for one to bend forward towards one's toes. However if there is a restriction because of tight muscles and a misaligned spine, this could be painful and outright impossible.  Using active release therapy and manual manipulation can greatly increase one's range of motion allowing a less painful bending ability in just one or two treatments!

What should you do if you are experiencing restricted or painful range of motion?

If the pain is excessive, please see your family doctor.  Find out if massage therapy, chiropractic care, or acupuncture could help you. Come in for an assessment and consultation.

Our chiropractor, Dr. Rav Nagra will provide a free consultation to discuss your symptoms and assess your ROM to determine if you need treatment.

What are the most important directions to follow when you experience decreased range of motion?

  • Seek professional health care advice and, or therapy.
  • Do your stretches!! We cannot stress this enough!
  • Keep moving, stay active.
  • Drink plenty of clear fluid. At least 64oz a day. (That means H20 my friends!)
  • Yoga and Pilates are great exercises that increase flexibility and ROM 
  • Stretch and strengthen. The stronger your muscles, the less "lazy" they will become.
  • Steam rooms, sauna, or heat packs to relieve sore, tight muscles.
  • Epsom salts baths can help too.

Another example:

See that the pink shaded area is the normal range of motion for both the foot and the knee

Helpful sites:
Kent Health Muscle Movement Chart & Useful information
Educational Neck Stretching Resource

Contact the clinic today if you have any other questions!

Keep active, drink water, and STRETCH. It feels good!
Front Office Manager, Receptionist

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