Tuesday 3 April 2012

Chiropractic Care and Pregnancy

Many people are hesitant to see a chiropractor and get an adjustment while pregnant. There is no need to be afraid. A chiropractor is essential in keeping a healthy body and mind to handle all the changes your body will experience during pregnancy.

Keeping your body aligned and balanced is key to a healthy pregnancy. It is vitally important to keep your hips and pelvis in good working order. While your uterus expands, it will put heavy pressure on your low back, hips and pelvis, so the baby is able to grow and continue making more room for him/her.

The average weight gain of 25 to 40 pounds can cause nuisance muscle strain and aggravated back pain. A woman’s feet also need attention. All that extra weight gain, with a rapidly growing uterus, you will need good balance, which starts at your feet. With proper foot care and possible custom orthotics, your feet may not feel as sore as you would think. You may receive adjustments on your feet to reduce discomfort and related back pain.

Spinal manipulation is highly effective for back pain and safe for your baby.

A chiropractor’s approach consists of non-drug and non-surgical treatments to specific back, neck, or feet pain. This method is highly adored by pregnant women because they prefer to avoid prescription drugs, unless it is impossible to do so.

Chiropractors are able to rid most of the labour and birthing fear.  A chiropractor will do their best to help you with pelvis adjustments, so you are ready to give birth. With regular adjustments, you will feel the difference between a woman who has and one who has not had chiropractic adjustments, during pregnancy up to labour, to help facilitate a safe and easier delivery for both mom and baby.

Post-pregnancy adjustments are also necessary and highly recommended for 2 months after childbirth.  Should you have experienced any injuries during the delivery your chiropractor will be able to help you  get back to your pre-pregnancy state.

You should also have your baby cared for by your chiropractor should he/she be suffering from colic, asthma, ear infections or allergies. Please feel free to speak to your chiropractor should you feel uncomfortable with your baby receiving an adjustment.

The following are a few tips to help relieve back pain: placing a pillow between your knees and sleeping on your side will help relieve low back stress, wearing comfortable flat shoes, using a cushion for extra back support, and keeping your feet elevated with the help of a foot stool. It is recommended to exercise for strong back muscles, or to attend a prenatal yoga class to relieve stress.

Our most helpful tip is to maintain regular chiropractic care, even if you are not experiencing any pain.

To book an Initial Consultation and Treatment with our Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Jag Sandhu, please contact our office at 604-850-2511 and our office personnel will gladly help you.  

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