Wednesday 25 April 2012

Neurological Integration System (NIS)

Many people have never heard of NIS so let us start from the beginning.
Neurological Integration System is:
• A scientific validated healthcare management system
• Used by practitioners around the world
• Based upon proven principles of neuroscience

The Neurological Integration System IS NOT:
• Stressful to the body
• Does NOT involve the mind
• Does NOT involve manipulation or invasive procedures
• Does NOT require drugs, special diets, or homework exercises to be effective

NIS is a safe approach to healthcare for the entire family!

Imagine the base of a tree as our DNA blueprint, our genetic predisposition.
The root system that supplies nourishment is affected by Environmental Inputs.
Over time our fundamental bodily processes can become compromised causing Symptoms to evolve. 
Imagine the leaves of a tree our representation of a possible 600,000 Symptoms.
With NIS a prioritized system of validated protocols is used to evaluate and resolve the ROOT cause—not the Symptoms in the leaves of the tree. Our focus is to address the possible underlying ROOT causes and restore OPTIMUM POTENTIAL to each individual.


NIS is based on 3 main principles.

Principle #1
NIS is based on the premise that all neuro-physiology is governed by the brain and NOT the mind.
Therefore the BRAIN, not the practitioner, becomes the definitive source for evaluating and correcting complaints.

Principle #2
NIS looks beyond labelled complaints
A label is a name given to a “group of symptoms”.
NIS removes the guess work. How?
By using a series of scientifically validated protocols that will evaluate ALL underlying issues for that individual.

Principle #3
The brain makes the correction NOT the practitioner
Regardless of what the practitioner “might think is wrong”, it is the neurological feedback from the BRAIN gathered by muscle testing that the practitioner uses to determine and correct dysfunction.

NIS practitioners “facilitate” the resetting of the neurological circuitry so the BRAIN WILL MAKE THE CORRECTIONS.


Our brain is an automatic signalling system controlling ALL functionality in the body.
It constantly receives information from every facet of the body, and in turn sends back “fine tuning” messages many times per second. It monitors every body part & every bodily system. 
Our individual DNA blueprint decides what are individual tolerances are—what is normal function, “OPTIMUM POTENTIAL” for you and me.

From time to time our individual tolerances are exceeded….circuits connecting the brain to a particular body part or system may become disconnected.
Now our potential function becomes reduced…thus symptoms patterns can evolve.

Using NIS practitioners are able to:
1. Investigate & Evaluate WHY the client has symptom patterns in the first place
2. Facilitate the brain to recognize the disconnected circuit.

NOW the brain can “ re-set” the neurological circuitry.
Enabling all body systems to return to optimum potential—for that individual!

Let us look at the NIS system in action to explain

NIS SCREEN TEST: Involves holding specific anatomical contact points that have an interrelationship
MUSCLE TEST: While specific anatomical contact points are “anchored” the practitioner tests a muscle for positive (strong) or negative (weak) result.
SUB-SCREEN TEST +MUSCLE TEST: Similar to the initial test, a sub-screen is looking to identify specific underlying issues.


 When we INTEGRATE we are “re-setting” the neurological circuitry.
Let us find out how…..
When the brain acknowledges an incongruence (identified with the screen & muscle test)
We INTEGRATE by gently tapping a precise area of the cranium the Post Central Gyrus (PCG). The Posgt Central Gyrus is the message sending & receiving centre of the brain. All neurological information from the body goes through the PCG.
When we INTEGRATE  we restore appropriate control to the area of the body under investigation. Normal neural activity is restored.
Now we get a strong muscle!
In other words…once the BRAIN acknowledges the dysfunction it will in its infinite wisdom correct it with absolute accuracy.

The human body is capable of over 600,000 different symptoms.
The NIS system is a systematic means of evaluating ALL underlying issues that could lead to ONE OR MORE of those 600,000 symptoms.

Here is an example of symptoms NIS can help with:
• Headaches/migraines
• PMS/ irregular menses/ infertility
• Anxiety/depression
• Fatigue/ CFS/ fibromyalgia
• IBS/ constipation/ digestive dysfunction
• Autoimmune/asthma/respiratory issues
• ADD/ADHD/AUTISM/Learning Difficulties
• Tendon/ligament/muscle/joint issues
• Infections-viral/bacterial/parasite/bacteria

For more information please visit 

New Leaf Wellness and Massage is pleased to announce we have our very own NIS practitioner, Claudette Varley, RN, BSN.

To book a NIS appointment please contact us at 604-850-2511.

TO learn more about Claudette please visit our website:


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