Monday 9 December 2013


We are expanding!! 

We have taken all of your input into special consideration, and have found a new location to better suit all our needs!

The staff at New Leaf Wellness would like to thank you for trusting us with your health and wellness needs.  It is because of you that we have exceeded our professional goals!  

Here are a few great changes that our new location will offer: 

  • Better parking, including underground stalls
  • Increased noise prevention, creating a softer, more relaxing environment for your treatment
  • With the additional space we plan on developing a gym area to practice exercises and stretches
  • Additional therapists and appointment availability
  • Central location-great for patients from both East and West Abbotsford, approximately 5-10 minutes from Abbotsford Regional Hospital 
  • Wheel chair accessible
  • Additional washroom(s)

We are planning a smooth transition to the new location March 2014.  We will have a grand opening March 3, 2014!

Our new location: 

UNIT B - 2309 McCallum Road Abbotsford, BC

The Trethewey Square location will be closed on Friday, February 28th, 2014 to allow for us to move all of our equipment.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate us directly! We look forward to the new and exciting opportunities before us!

Again, thank YOU for your continued support!

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Annual Food Drive

New Leaf Annual Food Drive

This year we are experiencing a very cold winter season! So not only would we like to collect food for the Abbotsford Food Bank and Christmas Bureau, we would like to collect warm outerwear and blankets for the local shelters. 

Please help feed those in poverty, desperation, and in serious need of help. 

'Tis the season to spread joy and care for those in need.  Not all families are able to provide food, shelter and clothing to their loved ones.  This is the least we can do to help our local community become stronger. 

Make the most of your giving this Christmas.

There are many ways to give joy to those in need. If you are unable to come in and drop off a donation, you may also phone, mail or donate money online directly to the Abbotsford Food Bank:

Phone: 604-859-5749 or 604-859-7681
Mail: 33914 Essendene Ave Abbotsford, BC V2S 2H8

Monday 25 November 2013

Maximize Your Health Insurance

We want our clients to get the best of their extended health benefits, be it only $250 of coverage to unlimited.  
That being said, I would like to focus on the best ways to use your coverage.


The common trend is to hoard all of the benefit amounts until the last 2-3 months of the calendar year, and then binge on appointments to take advantage of the coverage. Not only does this burden the schedule of appointments required for injured workers, and new ICBC claim patients, but it also requires the practitioners to throw themselves into overdrive.  Therapists extend their hours to accommodate the large influx in new and returning patients, all wanting to reap the benefits of their insurance coverage. .

Saving all of your benefits for the end of the year to cluster your appointments may feel nice, but you're not necessarily making the best choice for your body or your therapist.  The best choice is to spread out your coverage over the entire year.  Your body will respond positively to treatment when spread out evenly over the year, rather than sporadically increasing therapy full tilt over two months, stopping as soon as the new year begins. Following this rapid increase and decrease in therapy each year is quite detrimental to a treatment plan.

Your body needs balance.  Equally dividing your expenses and finding a treatment plan to match your coverage individually is the best way to maximize your benefits.  It is important to take care of your body all
year long, not just during the last quarter.  

There are also negative affects on one's physical status if treatment is suddenly decreased, or stopped altogether.  The body may relapse, and fall back into a negative state of imbalance. Posture may become poor, pain may increase, symptoms may return.  This cycle is not balanced, and when one returns to treatment, the therapy has to start from the beginning again to get back on track. 

Creating a balanced plan will be profitable both financially and physically.  When one has a well balanced treatment plan, there is less risk for injury, treatment relapse, and an increase in total well being.  Our mission at New Leaf Massage is to help you maintain whole body wellness and balance in mind, body and soul. 

Here at the clinic, we understand that aches and pains may get the best of us, and we rely on the clustered treatment to feel the most improvement.  But there is a difference in feeling the improvement, than sustaining improvement. Our job is to help you reach your wellness goals and maintain them.  We are here to help you get back on track, and to help you keep your plan active and balanced.

One of the best things I decided to do this year was divide up my coverage between 3 therapies.  I will see the chiropractor once a month, my massage therapist once ever 7 weeks, and acupuncture every 7 weeks, and NIS as needed. This allows me to have therapy on a regular basis without bombarding my body or the schedule at the year end. My well balanced plan has allowed me to recover from a recent  injury much quicker than anticipated. 

I have never felt better!  My aches and pains have subsided, and my body feels more balanced than ever!  I no longer stress about how I'm going to use all my coverage and fight for desirable appointments times during November and December.  My body is benefiting more now, because I have stretched my coverage over the year, rather then squeezign it all into two months.  I have maximized my extended health to get the most out of my coverage. It is also important to not use every last bit of the coverage, save a couple 'extra' for those desperate times, or for unplanned illness, injuries and emergencies

Our team of professionals are here to help you organize a treatment plan to fit your unique needs as well as help you to get the most our of your extended health benefits. 

Please do not hesitate to ask your therapist for assistance with developing a treatment plan to fit your lifestyle.  We want you to turn over a new leaf, and live life well!  In order to achieve this, balance is required.

Maximize your benefits, and see how well you will feel year round!

If you have any questions or want advice, you can contact me at reception on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays or by email at

Yours in health,

Kerissa Moore
Front Office Manager,

Monday 18 November 2013


Exciting things are happening at New Leaf these days!!

First off, we'd like to start with introducing our newest member to join our wellness team!


Growing up in an active lifestyle, Tara initially became aware of the benefits of massage therapy after sustaining injuries to her shoulder and leg in an accident.  She was so impressed by the benefits of massage therapy to her healing process that she decided to enroll at WCCMT.  There she discovered an inner passion to help others reach their own optimal health.

Tara understands the importance of building trust between therapist and client, and is committed to treating the root cause of symptoms as a primary goal, besides relieving discomfort.  She uses Myofacial Release (MFR) to help increase joint movement and improve posture alignment, as well as incorporating Active Release, Trigger Point Release and Swedish Massage into her treatments.

Tara has volunteered at sports events such as the Knee Knacker, and the GranFondo.  She is an outdoor enthusiast, and in her free time enjoys playing music, knitting, hiking, sailing and biking.

Tara's techniques include:

  • deep tissue
  • swedish
  • trigger point release
  • myofacial
  • muscle energy technique
  • active release

We are currently booking new patients with Tara as of TODAY!

Call now to book your appointment.  Her hours vary, but are as follows: 

Monday 2pm-6pm
Wednesday 10am-6pm
Thursday 2pm-6pm
Friday 2pm-6pm

Secondly, I'd like to ask you to keep posted....we have many new changes that will be announced soon!

Yours in health, 
Kerissa Moore
Front Office Manager & Receptionist

Monday 7 October 2013


As you may already know, October is national breast cancer awareness month.

To celebrate and support the beautiful and important women in our lives, we are raising money for the Breast Cancer Society!

Join us on October 16th, wear pink and spread the support!

Starting today, Monday October 7th through Wednesday, October 16th our clinic will be offering a chance for you to win some awesome prizes!!

Here's how it works:

$20.00 to buy a ball.  Each ball will either be blank or have a number on it.  The objective is to pull a numbered ball, as we will be drawing for the prizes on Wednesday, October 16th at 5:30 PM.

Now, for the good stuff....Here is a list of our prizes available thus far:

  • 4 - $25.00 gift card to Lou's Grill (One per person)
  • Pink Breast Cancer water bottle ($15.00 value)
  • 60 minute massage gift certificate with Lisa Fershau, RMT ($95.00 value!)
  • 1 free session with Dr. Nagra for chiropractic treatment (up to $60.00 value!)
  • Purple Acu-Massage bar ($35.00 value)
  • J. Lohr 1 litre Cabernet Sauvignon ($25.00 value)
  • Daisy Canvas by Morris Rowley Photography ($100.00 value)
  • Booster Juice Eco Mug filled with goodies ($25.00 value)
  • Beauty kit ($25.00-$30.00 value)
  • Starbucks gift card ($10.00 value)
  • and many more prizes!!
Stay tuned as we update our list, we have some great prizes to be added!!

We look forward to reaching our goal of $1000.00

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Definition of the Week: Range of Motion (ROM)

Why do we require initial appointments to be booked longer than subsequent appointments?

For massage therapy, our office policy requires an initial treatment to be booked for 45 minutes.  The following must be done by your RMT in your initial assessment:

  1. Obtain knowledge about your health history. 
  2. Assess any health risks contraindications.
  3. Assess and understand all of your past and current symptoms.
  4. Assess your range of motion.
  5. Your RMT will then decide if massage therapy is right for you.

What does it mean when your practitioner asks to check your range of motion (ROM)?

You therapists will assess the area associated with your symptoms.  Range of Motion will measure the flexion, extension, abduction, and rotation to compare to the average normal range.

For example, the most common complaint would be upper back, neck and shoulder pain.  The RMT will assess the degree of rotation (left and right lateral flexion) and extension, recording notes on the patient's file.  The ROM will be a degree achievable until restriction or pain occurs.  The human anatomy allows for the neck to reach a maximum degree without restriction and pain.  If the pain or restriction occurs before normal ROM, it would be noted and the therapist will treat the area to help increase and then maintain normal ROM.

The chiropractor would follow the same procedure, assessing even more in depth and the relation to the joints, bones and/or spine. A great example for chiropractic care would include a patient that is having trouble bending over.  The normal range of motion would allow for one to bend forward towards one's toes. However if there is a restriction because of tight muscles and a misaligned spine, this could be painful and outright impossible.  Using active release therapy and manual manipulation can greatly increase one's range of motion allowing a less painful bending ability in just one or two treatments!

What should you do if you are experiencing restricted or painful range of motion?

If the pain is excessive, please see your family doctor.  Find out if massage therapy, chiropractic care, or acupuncture could help you. Come in for an assessment and consultation.

Our chiropractor, Dr. Rav Nagra will provide a free consultation to discuss your symptoms and assess your ROM to determine if you need treatment.

What are the most important directions to follow when you experience decreased range of motion?

  • Seek professional health care advice and, or therapy.
  • Do your stretches!! We cannot stress this enough!
  • Keep moving, stay active.
  • Drink plenty of clear fluid. At least 64oz a day. (That means H20 my friends!)
  • Yoga and Pilates are great exercises that increase flexibility and ROM 
  • Stretch and strengthen. The stronger your muscles, the less "lazy" they will become.
  • Steam rooms, sauna, or heat packs to relieve sore, tight muscles.
  • Epsom salts baths can help too.

Another example:

See that the pink shaded area is the normal range of motion for both the foot and the knee

Helpful sites:
Kent Health Muscle Movement Chart & Useful information
Educational Neck Stretching Resource

Contact the clinic today if you have any other questions!

Keep active, drink water, and STRETCH. It feels good!
Front Office Manager, Receptionist

Friday 19 July 2013

Definition of the Week: Ergonomics

(Image from

In simple words, Ergonomics is the philosophy and practice of proper posture, including the use of equipment.

Being a multidisciplinary wellness clinic, we treat numerous clients for back, neck and shoulder pain most commonly brought on by our jobs, including computer use and general tension from the use of work place equipment.  Awareness and correction are two main factors to regain a proper posture.  Having awareness about correct posture, and proper ergonomics is crucial to one's well being. If you are aware and remember to not slouch, your body can maintain pain free movement.  As one's body become lazy, the health effects can be quite detrimental.

If one sits at a computer desk for too long with ill posture, the anatomy is not able to work at it's optimal performance.  This will cause the body the compensate.  Muscle groups and tendons that are not normally used for this position will begin to strengthen.  Muscles that are normally used in a proper position will weaken, making it harder to regain a perfect posture. This cycle creates a sense of comfort in a poor position, rather than a strong proper posture.

That is why we encourage our patient's to strengthen core muscles and practice perfect posture. (Or as close to it as possible.) It is important for our bodies to function at an optimal level for efficient results.

Imagine sitting at a computer desk with ill posture, for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.  The body begins to feel comfortable slouching.  As the head tilts forward, neck and upper back muscles will begin to strain to hold one's posture.  Shoulder muscles will begin to round forward, putting increased stress on the mid to low back.  As all of these muscles become 'comfortable' in the slouching position, it is more difficult to bring the muscles and joints back into a natural position.

Another great example would be an employee operating heavy duty machinery, a mechanic, a welder, or really any trade worker....will require one's body to be twisted or maneuvered in a way that is not natural.  It is important to remember to stretch, and be aware of these uncomfortable positions so that the anatomy can be brought back to a natural, posture for pain free movement.  If the worker is able to practice safe ergonomics, the body will be much less affected.

There are many symptoms created by poor posture. Range of motion is most affected by poor posture.  Common symptoms associated with poor ergonomics are headaches, numbness and tingling, fatigue, back neck and/or shoulder pain, restricted range of motion and other aches and pains. Once the body becomes comfortable in  lazy position, range of motion significantly decreases.  This makes it difficult to produce quality work, and requires more energy than one with pain free, full range of motion.

Consult your employer or healthcare practitioner now to determine if you are using correct posture at work, or if you need help correcting your posture.  If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact our clinic to be assessed.  One of our qualified health care practitioners is waiting to help you practice safe ergonomics, and decrease the pain and other symptoms often associated with poor posture.

Safe practicing!


Check out these images below to see the effects of poor posture over time:

Friday 28 June 2013

Definition of the week : Fibromyalgia

  1. fi·bro·my·al·gia  

    A chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas.

    Fibromyalgia is a neurosensory disorder characterized by widespread muscle pain, joint stiffness, and fatigue. The condition is chronic (ongoing), but pain comes and goes and moves about the body. The disorder is often misdiagnosed or unrecognized and is and often complicated by mood and anxiety disorders.

  2. Diagnosis

    There are no specific laboratory tests to diagnosis fibromyalgia. Diagnosis is difficult and frequently missed because symptoms are vague and generalized. Tests will be done to rule out other conditions with similar symptoms before a diagnosis is made. Coexisting disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, or Lyme disease may further complicate the diagnostic process.
    In 1990, the America College of Rheumatology developed standards for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. According to these standards, a person can be diagnosed with fibromyalgia if he or she has widespread pain in combination with tenderness in at least 11 of the 18 sites known as trigger points. Trigger point sites include the base of the neck, along the backbone, in front of the hip and elbow, and at the rear of the knee and shoulder. These standards have been criticized by some physicians as being too narrow for use in clinical practice. As of 2009, standards for diagnosis were under review.

    Alternative treatment

    Frustrated with the inability of conventional medicine to cure their pain, as many as 80% of individuals with fibromyalgia turn to alternative and complementary treatments to supplement conventional treatment. Common complementary therapies for fibromyalgia include:

    • acupuncture

    • biofeedback

    • chiropractic care

    • hypnosis

    • magnesium supplements

    • magnet therapy

    • massage therapy

    • s-adenosyl-L-methionine supplements

Friday 21 June 2013

Definition of the week: Qi

qi   noun "

CHē" or "chee"

What is Qi?

QI is the energy whose properties are the basis and fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).  Qi flows through the body, it is all around us, and is believed to be two portions. Energy and changes in environment, and also physiological components of anatomy.

"Qi was initially termed as the best definition for the understanding of the natural phenomena." [1] Over 3,000 years ago, the alternative therapy described as acupuncture developed in China.  Acupuncture therapy is used to to stabilize and stimulate the body's Qi and immune systems to result in a permanent healing.  Qi is the vital energy or power that animated and supports the functions of the body. "In TCM, Qi has more meanings, Qi can move in the meridians, and can also combine with blood to support the energy to the internal organs." [2]

Ancient theory is that Qi flows through specific pathways, calls meridians, and provides nourishment for the entire body. The acupuncture meridian system is an interface of energetic exchange  between our physical body and the energy fields which surround us.

Acupuncture points have unique electrical characteristics which distinguish them from surrounding skin, and also mediated by a primary, subtle energetic system that influences the networks of physical nerves.  Stimulation of acupuncture points produce changes in the nervous system (ie. endorphin release and relieve pain) because the meridians indirectly influence nerve pathway in the body.  This treatment replaces pain and fatigue with revitalizing energy and relief of stress and tension.  As the Qi is 're-engerized' by the needles, the movement throughout the body is significant in the corresponding body systems (ie. liver, kidney, heart, lung. etc.) to produce outstanding results.

Because Qi is an energy, it may be affected by numerous factors.  Everything must be in balance for optimal performance and wellness.  Factors such as environmental, physiological and psychological can impede on one's energy and one's self balance.  When disease occurs, it is a signal that we are constricting the natural flow of life energy throughout our multidimensional bodies.  Once we have learned the real reasons for feeling ill, we must begin to make changes that will result in a healing on many simultaneous levels.

Traditional Chinese Medicine theories and treatments go far beyond treating symptoms and signs, treating the body as a whole and unique organism.  Acupuncture can greatly enhance our health and achieve better levels of wellness and integration and balance of the interlocking elements of the body, mind, and spirit.


Friday 14 June 2013

Definition of the week: Fascia

fas·ci·a  noun  


Fascia is a sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue that surrounds, separates, and/or binds together muscles, organs, blood vessels, nerves and other soft structures of the body.  It is the soft tissue components of the connective tissue the provide support and protection.

You may here your therapists use the term myofascia work or myofacial release.  The therapist may be referring to a soft tissue manipulation, or trigger point therapy.  Approaches may range from passive or active release therapy (ART), Graston therapy, stripping, foam rolling, or other tools and techniques may be applied both directly and indirectly

Fasciitis is a term most commonly associated with fascia.  Fasciitis is the inflammation of the fascia, connective tissue. This inflammation can be very painful.  Many patients prefer to have deep tissue work to directly  release the tension in the fascia.  A therapist may use tools to help stretch the adhesive tissues to mobilize them.  Our therapists will use their hands, knuckles and elbows to stretch the inflamed tissues with a pressure that is comfortable for you.

An indirect approach will be used for patient's that cannot handle or do not like deep pressure.  This approach would include ART, and gentle stretching to help mobilize the fascia.  The release may affect the muscles surrounding it, causing a sense of relief for the patient, sometimes allowing a deeper massage for the latter treatment.

"Like ligamentsaponeuroses, and tendons, fasciae are dense regular connective tissues, containing closely packed bundles of collagen fibers oriented in a wavy pattern parallel to the direction of pull. Fasciae are consequently flexible structures able to resist great unidirectional tension forces until the wavy pattern of fibers has been straightened out by the pulling force. These collagen fibers are produced by the fibroblasts located within the fascia.
Fasciae are similar to ligaments and tendons as they are all made of collagen except that ligaments join one bone to another bone, tendons join muscle to bone and fasciae surround muscles or other structures."

FASCIAL MOBILIZATIONThe fascial system is one continuous, laminated, connective-tissue sheath that spreads without interruption throughout the entire body in a three-dimensional web. Fascial mobilization allows therapists to locate and address restrictions in the fascial system that are causing asymmetries, postural malalignment, abnormal tensions, and pressures that can lead to pain and dysfunction. The goal of fascial mobilization is to produce a well-balanced, symmetrical, and mobile body within the skeletal, soft-tissue, and craniosacral systems.


Monday 10 June 2013

Friendly Reminder--Office Policies

As we approach the summer season, we understand that life gets busy.  Please take us into consideration when planning your vacation and seasonal holidays.

If you have any appointments booked that you may need to cancel or reschedule, please give us ample notice.  24 hours noticed is required for all cancellations and rescheduled appointments.  Your appointment time has been reserved for you.  Any late cancellations or missed appointments will result in a fee.

Late cancellations will be charged 50% of the appointment fee.  If notice is less than 1 hour before your scheduled appointment time, you will be charged the full rate.  All missed appointments will be charged the full appointment fee.

Unfortunately, due to increased missed appointments and last minute cancellations, our policy will be strictly enforced.  However, do not hesitate to speak with reception or your therapist if you have any concerns.

Our clinic is booking well in advance and if you cannot make it to your appointment, there are a large number or client's on our cancellation list that would love amply notice for booking.

We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.  Thank you for respecting our policy!

-New Leaf Wellness Staff

Friday 24 May 2013

Chilled sea turtles recovering with help of acupuncture!

Photo credit :

QUINCY, Mass. - Two endangered sea turtles that are shells of their former selves after getting stranded on Cape Cod during a cold spell are getting some help easing back into the wild — from an acupuncturist.

Dexter and Fletcher Moon, juvenile Kemp's Ridley sea turtles, remained calm as acupuncturist Claire McManus gently tapped more than a dozen needles into their greyish-green, leathery skin during a therapy session intended to decrease inflammation and swelling on their front flippers, restore a full range of motion on those limbs and help the animals regain their appetites.

"There aren't a lot of people doing sea turtle acupuncture," said McManus, who works alongside a vet to find parts of the marine mammals' bodies corresponding to locations where acupuncturists put needles to treat front limbs. "There is not a whole lot of literature out there on turtle acupuncture, so I'm basing it on how we treat other animals and humans."

The acupuncture is intended to reduce stress, increase blood flow and boost the immune system — just as in humans.

Dexter and Fletcher Moon have already had three acupuncture sessions, scheduled once a week, said Merigo, who broke into a broad smile as she described their improvements over the past three weeks.

To read more on this amazing story in the province news paper please visit the link below!

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Definition of the week....


noun \ˈa-kyə-ˌpre-shər, ˈa-kə-\

  Acupressure is an ancient healing art that uses the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities. 

 When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood and the body’s life force (sometimes known as qi pronounced chi) to aid healing. Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points, but acupuncture employs needles, while acupressure uses the gentle, but firm pressure of hands and feet. 

  Acupressure, continues to be the most effective method for treatment of tension-related ailments by using the power and sensitivity of the human hand. Acupressure can be effective in helping relieve headaches, eye strain, sinus problems, neck pain, backaches, arthritis, muscle aches, tension due to stress, ulcer pain, menstrual cramps, lower backaches, constipation, and indigestion. 

  Acupressure can also be used to relieve anxiety and improve sleep. There are also great advantages to using acupressure as a way to balance the body and maintain good health. The healing touch of acupressure reduces tension, increases circulation, and enables the body to relax deeply. 

  By relieving stress, acupressure strengthens resistance to disease and promotes wellness. In acupressure, local symptoms are considered an expression of the condition of the body as a whole. A tension headache, for instance, may be rooted in the shoulder and neck area. Thus, acupressure focuses on relieving pain and discomfort, as well as responding to tension, before it develops into a disease—before the constrictions and imbalances can do further damage. 

  The origins of acupressure are as ancient as the instinctive impulse to hold your forehead or temples when you have a headache. Everyone at one time or another has used their hands spontaneously to hold tense or painful places on the body. More than five thousand years ago, the Chinese discovered that pressing certain points on the body relieved pain where it occurred and also benefited other parts of the body more remote from the pain and the pressure point. Gradually, they found other locations that not only alleviated pain, but also influenced the functioning of certain internal organs. (Definition, in part, from the book Acupressure’s Potent Points, by Michael Reed Gach, director of the Acupressure Institute, Bantam, 1990.) 

Wednesday 15 May 2013

The Importance of water & our bodies:

An important question we often hear at our clinic is : "How much water should I drink after a massage?"

When you think about it.... WHY is it important to drink water after a massage? 
What roll does it play in how our bodies heal and recover? 

  New Leaf Massage Therapists recommend that you drink approximately 1-2 full glasses of water before and 1-2 full glasses after your massage. In general, the body benefits from proper hydration anyways, but after your massage it is very important to drink more water. Consuming water will help the kidneys and other organs process the various substances which move through our bodies on a regular basis. Drinking water before and after a massage is recommended, as it makes it easier for your Therapist to perform deep work, because the muscles are easier to manipulate (think about working with a dry sponge vs. a Wet sponge).

  During a massage, the muscles are stimulated, blood is circulated throughout the whole body, and water, salt and other minerals are released. Having a glass of water or decaffeinated tea, helps your body dispose of any accumulated materials in the muscles. By providing the body with plenty of water, you can help sweep away those unwanted waste materials.

Our Lymphatic System: The Sewer Pipes of the Body

  In the case of lymphatic massage, the stimulation of the lymphatic circulation system can generate a large release of wastes in the body. If one thinks of the lymph system as the sewer pipes of the body, (collecting unwanted waste material and carrying it away for disposal) lymphatic massage is like a drain cleaner. Water helps flush out your body of waste.

Wetter Is Better

  Most importantly, massage can be dehydrating. The manipulation of the muscles dehydrates them and moves around the fluid, in the interstitial spaces between the muscles. Just like when you exercise, you lose water and electrolytes. Your cells need rehydration. By drinking water, you can reduce the potential for pain and soreness in the days that follow a massage.

  After a massage, sometimes you can feel a bit spacey and disoriented; having a glass of water or caffeinated herbal tea can help bring the body and mind back to the present. Drinking a glass of water after a massage is not only refreshing, it is good for your body.

Saturday 11 May 2013

Miracle Maya Fundraiser

As you may have read our previous blog about Maya Ahuja, last night some our staff and friends attended a fundraiser for her.  We would like to share with you, our experience.

Friday night after work, we met at Zaika Tastes of India, to help support the Ahuja family.  We did not know what to expect.  It was beyond our expectations. The food was wonderful, the staff and family greeted us with smiles and laughter.  We felt more than welcome.  There was a silent auction, door prizes, toonie tosses, and cute little gifts that we could purchase to help raise money for the BC Children's Hospital.

Just before dinner was served, buffet style, Maya and her family arrived.  When Gary and Karm arrived with their children, the whole room lit up with life.  There was so much love and support!  Maya is a little ball of courage and energy.  She was lively, she smiled, played and was even dancing!  The best part was that she was surrounded by so many people that love her.   As the night wound down and she began to tire, she cuddled up in her parents arms for security.

To see the love that her family has for her is absolutely wonderful!  I would like to thank the Ahuja family for welcoming us to be a part of their lives and all the individuals that were able to attend and share their support. It is important that we stand together as friends, neighbors, colleagues, and as a community to help those around us.  I feel honored that I was able to help in any way that I could. (Even if it was just our presence and donations.) Every little bit counts, and the support is amazing!

At this time I would like to conclude that we had a wonderful evening and we strongly encourage you to help in any way possible.  Mark your calendars for May 26th at 5:00 pm-11:00 pm, a World of Smiles Telethon. Tune to watch the 15th anniversary telethon on Shaw's Multicultural Channel (cable 116), Shaw Direct (channel 299) and your local Shaw TV Channel.

Even if you can only afford to donate a dollar, it will go towards saving a child's life.

Share your stories and let us know if you donated!


Visit the website to donate and learn more:

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Health Benefits of a Regular Fitness Plan

How many times are we advised that regular exercise is key to a healthy lifestyle?
More importantly....have you actually listened to the advice?

I would like to reiterate the importance of including a regular fitness program into your daily life.  The benefits are endless.  For example, a regular fitness plan can help with weight loss, increase energy, increase metabolism rates, and build muscle definition.

Regular exercise can decrease stress.  The human body generates hormones that can be stress causing, but regular exercise can decrease hormones like norepinephrine and cortisol.  These hormones are found in the endocrine system. Cortisol affects the metabolic system, and norepinephrine is believed a relation to hypertension. A fitness plan that includes 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at least three times a week can reduce the risk of heart disease, hypertension, obesity, depression, diabetes, and other health issues.

A proper program would include a warm up, aerobic (cardio), anaerobic (low intensity) and/or weight training, a cool down, and stretching.  It is important to remember proper stretching methods to reduce the chances of injury.  See our blog: Stretching-101

Some great exercise ideas include: jogging, walking, yoga, swimming, Qi Gong, kick boxing, boot camp, and Pilates.  There are also fitness institutions that offer group exercise programs like Zumba and Spin classes.  These make workouts fun, and can create an environment that is safe and enjoyable.  Check out our locals gyms that offer Co-Ed, Women's Only, group exercise, Personal Training, fun classes and more!

There are so many options! Find the gym that's meant for your lifestyle and fitness goals.

If you would prefer a more one on one approach, check out personal trainers. Personal Trainers can develop a fitness plan tailored specifically for you and your body.  Focusing on your personal health and wellness goals.
Look for high recommendations and proper certifications when searching for a personal trainer.

Above all else, remember to incorporate regular visits to your wellness clinic.  With training and working out, the anatomy of your body will be changing.  Booking appointments in between your visits to the gym can greatly increase your ability to reach your goals quicker.  Regular chiropractic adjustments before a workout can help you have a better and stronger workout.  Focusing on proper positioning with a fresh alignment can really boost your workouts.  Regular massage visits post work outs is always nice.  After a long race, or any intense cardio activity, your RMT can provide a full body massage to help eliminate sore, achy muscles, also known as DOMS (delayed onset muscles soreness). 

If you have any questions or concerns about your fitness plans, speak to your family doctor or chiropractor to learn how regular exercise and therapy can help.

Call the clinic today if you would like to schedule appointments around your work out schedule! Maybe we'll even see you at the gym!

Stay active!

Wednesday 10 April 2013


It only takes $35 for a person to have clean water for life!

Join us Saturday May 26th, 2013 as we support the Run for Water. 

We encourage you to sign up and join the movement.  
Let's help our community raise money for clean water!

It is important for us to stay active and healthy.  What better way to help those in need by exercising?!

We want you to register! Visit RUN for WATER online to register for a race!

As sponsors, we will be providing chiropractic care and registered massage therapy. Please look for our booth after the race.  Thank you for participating in such an important role in our community!

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Posture Perfector

Improve your posture today! It's as simple as 1-2-3!

Incorrect posture causes more than just back pain

Correcting your posture can: 
  • Increase blood flow to and from the heart
  • Improve breathing and diaphragm function
  • Increase range of motion
  • Reduce stress on the lower and upper back
  • Improve nerve signals from the spine

The Posture Perfector is recommended for anyone over the age of 12, that sits or stands for long periods of their day. It can be used practically anywhere and by people with every level of physical ability.

You can use the Posture Perfector can be used in the car, office, home, virtually anywhere!
You will notice immediate results.  There are four sizes, and two strength levels.

Dr. Nagra realizes the importance of a good posture. Having poor posture can greatly affect ones daily living activities.  The Posture Perfector is a great product to use because of it's versatile uses, and it can be worn anywhere!  

If you are concerned about your posture, and you need that extra help, we definitely recommend booking an appointment with Dr. Nagra to discuss your concerns.  During your appointment, Dr. Nagra will perform a routine check up on your posture and spinal alignment also while addressing your concerns.  After assessment Dr. Nagra can decide if the Posture Perfector is right for you.

Call us today to book your appointment or to purchase one at our clinic! 604-850-2511

See how the Posture Perfector is comfortably worn!

 You can view more details and videos about the Posture Perfector online at

Thursday 4 April 2013

Opportunity to reach out to the community

From now until May 10, 2013 we will be collecting donations for the Ahuja family.  Please see reception for any additional details of how you can help raise money for Maya and her family. Below you can read Maya's story and learn about her conditions.  Please feel free to share her story and help pay it forward. 
We thank you for your support.

Two-year-old Maya loves Dora the Explorer and playing with her older brother, Danveer. Her life, however, has not always been so cheerful.
Months before she was born, Maya’s parents Gary and Karm found out through an ultrasound that their daughter had a congenital heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot as well as a cleft palate. As soon as Maya was born, she was taken to the Intensive Care Unit at BC Children’s Hospital.
“Every mother looks forward to the end of the journey of labour and that moment they get to hold their baby in their arms,” says Karm. “I had 30 seconds and then she was whisked away from me. I didn’t hold her again for 10 hours. Even then, it wasn’t the same feeling as we were in the ICU, with little to no privacy.”
Maya underwent open-heart surgery in October 2010 to treat her heart defect – she was only four months old. Shortly after the operation, with her parents at her bedside, Maya suddenly flat-lined and showed no sign of a pulse on the heart monitor. The intensive care doctors and nurses took action immediately. “Watching doctors save a life may be exciting on TV or in the movies, but as a parent, it is unbearable,” says Gary.
Maya’s heart had stopped beating for 22 minutes. Thanks to the expertise of the caregiving team at BC Children’s, Maya’s life was saved. To aid in her recovery, Maya was hooked up to ECMO, a heart and lung machine. After six weeks at BC Children’s, Maya was finally able to return home.
Today Maya still faces developmental challenges. She uses a feeding tube to drink milk and struggles to gain adequate weight. Since her hospital stay she has also been diagnosed with a genetic condition called Cornelia de Lange syndrome, a developmental disorder that affects many parts of her body. As she grows she will still require another heart operation to fix the blood flow between her left and right atria.
Despite these challenges Gary and Karm say words can’t describe the gratitude they have for the hospital’s doctors and nurses. The couple is also thankful for the support of family and friends for giving them a shoulder to cry on, and a much-needed distraction from the hard reality that their daughter was so terribly sick. The Ahuja family is comforted in knowing that whatever medical challenges lay ahead for Maya, they will not have to face them alone. With the support of family, friends and the outstanding caregivers at BC Children’s, Maya will be given the best chance of a bright future.
Maya is this year's A World of Smiles telethon Champion Child. Find out more about A World of Smiles.

Story posted from :

Wednesday 3 April 2013

4 Minute Office yoga!

Have you been sitting at your desk for an entire shift at the office? 

What's so bad about sitting?

Studies suggest that sitting for hours on end is harmful, regardless of a person's overall calorie intake or physical activity. This may be because immobile muscles gradually lose the ability to metabolize fats and sugar as efficiently as they should, which could promote high cholesterol and up diabetes risk.

As far back as the late 1950s, a study found that people with sedentary jobs (bus drivers) were twice as likely as those with active jobs (mailmen) to develop cardiovascular disease. More recently, extended daily TV watching and time on the computer--which, like desk jobs, involve long periods of time sitting still--have been linked to a greater risk of metabolic syndrome, a constellation of health problems that can lead to diabetes and heart disease.

In addition, poor workplace habits can bring on aches, pains, and other troubles that in some cases can be disabling. Sitting all day can flatten out the curve of the lower back, for instance, and can put a strain on the upper body, shoulders, and arms. 

Please Take 4 Minutes and give your back, neck & shoulders a break!

Check out this is fantastic 4 minute desk yoga routine. 

Thank you to : For their information & studies.

Saturday 23 March 2013

Benefits of massage therapy in combination with chiropractic care...

Rav Says.....

The combination of massage therapy and chiropractic care does wonders for speeding patient recovery and general health.

The musculoskeletal system is highly interrelated. Often times problems with joints in the body can have negative effects in many different areas. 

 For example, chronic muscle tightness often occurs due to an underlying joint pathology. When any joint in the body is not moving through its normal range of motion, the tissues can become irritated and cause pain. 
The muscles overlying these joints will reflexively spasm as a result. 

 Massage therapy does wonders to help relieve the spasm and tightness in these muscles, however if the underlying joint issues are not addressed the muscle tightness will often return. 

 Chiropractic care will aid in restoring normal functioning to all the joints in the body, not just the spine. This is why the combination of massage and chiropractic treatment is so effective. Massage therapy allows the muscles to relax enough for effective manipulation of the underlying joints, and in return the effect on the joints helps reduce the return of chronic tightness and muscle spasm.

If you would like to book in to see our chiropractor directly after your massage therapy appointment please contact one of our receptionist who would be happy to assist you!

Thursday 21 March 2013

Spring Promotion!

We are excited to announce our latest promotion! 

For the month of April 2013, every new patient that you refer to Dr. Nagra, you will be rewarded a $10 Starbucks gift card, and entered to win a 60 minute massage with Lisa Fershau.  That's a $95.00 value!

Please remind your referral to note your full name on the patient intake form. 

All appointments must be for new patients, and booked in the month of April 2013.

Offer ends April 30, 2013. 

The winner will be contacted on May 1, 2013 by 6:00 PM.

A balanced approach of techniques is often the best way to see and feel results.  Chiropractic care can compliment your massage or  acupuncture treatments.  The more relaxed the muscles and mind are, the more likely you will benefit from an adjustment.  This is why Dr. Nagra feels it is important to incorporate Active Release Therapy (ART), Soft tissue release, and Graston Therapy, to help get the most out of an adjustment.

Remember that chiropractic care can treat a wide range of symptoms and imbalances within the structure and integrity of joints, muscles, and nerves.  If you combine techniques you will notice that the benefits from treatment will last longer.  You may also notice the frequencies and duration of your appointments will decrease as you feel better and reach your health goals. It is not necessary to always book complementing appointments, however it will definitely be beneficial throughout your treatment plan.

“90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine.”
-Dr. Roger Sperry